Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Changing the Future, Changing History

Hey Gang,

It's Ouida, Chi Alpha Director at CSU. Just wanted you all to know that we spent time praying for the trips at our leadership meeting last night. As we were praying, I thought about the legacy of pain, torture, cynicism, and ultimately evil that Europe has inherited. Those seeds sown all throughout the past have sprung up in countless ways in the lives you will encounter there.

I kept finding myself praying that God would change history. Now if history is in the past it is unchangeable, right? Well I believe that what God can and will do through you will change the future and ultimately change the course of Europe's history....through the students in Berlin and the children in Romania.

For so many Europeans, the story seems to have been written already. Our God is a God who wipes the slate clean as if that history never happened.

God, will you change history through reachEUROPE? Will you use us to do it?

1 comment:

  1. Ouida, thanks for sharing! I love the thought of God using us to change the course of Europe's history. And thanks SO much for praying for the trips!!
