Who, What, Why Romania?

Romania is a country located in Eastern Europe. It has a population of over 21 million, almost 90% of which are Romanian. They speak Romanian and the adult literacy rate is 97%.

Romania has the highest number of orphaned children in Europe. In the year 2010, there were 62,000 children in the care of the state. 19,000 were in orphanages. In the year 2008, 2 children were adopted from Romania.

In the year 2010, 0 children were adopted from Romania. ZERO.
19,000 orphans and not ONE was adopted. Not because no one wanted them. But because the Romanian government has closed off international adoptions.

19,000 sweet children of God, trapped in these horrible institutions. Orphanages in Eastern Europe look nothing like orphanages in the US. (This is not to say any orphanage is a great place to be.) There are so many children, that by the time each child is fed and changed, there is little to no time to hold them, stimulate them, love on them. This is why we're going. To share love with these babies. To hold them. To make them feel like they are important.

In Romania, we will be working with the local missionaries, Raegan and Ellena to help continue carry out their mission of caring for institutionalized children and preventing child abandonment, but also empowering women to discover the purpose for their lives and bring value to her community as a productive citizen. 

Visit their website to learn more about the heart and mission of Touched Romania.