In the past week, there have been ups, and there have been downs.
There have been moments where i could have had the right to cry out in frustration. Our flight was delayed to Boston, then we found out our flight to Paris was cancelled, that we MIGHT not all fly out (18 people) to Paris together, that they lost our luggage and we had to wait two days before we had it. There have been moments where i had the right to laugh, to smile, to worship. But in the last 24 hours i feel that i know have the right to say, that no matter what will happen on this trip or in my future, now more then ever i know that i have been called.
The one thing that has most impacted me thus far was hearing the president of the seminary briefly talk about God's calling. You see, i've waited all my life (in my Pentecostal upbringing) believeing that i'll confirm my calling when an Evangalist spits, prays and prophecies in my face. Hearing Joesph talk about the great commission and how we read it and hear it as a command "...GO and make disciples..." when in fact in Greek it, in reality says, '...AS you go and make disciples..."
its as we go out on our day to day basis that we fulfill God's calling in our lives. Its as, in this next week i go out and work with these orphans and young mothers, that i'll be fulfilliing God's Calling. sometimes it will be "glamorous", going out of my comfort zone and into a new country. other times it might be going out of my comfort zone at home and on campus to reach out to my peers while walking to class or eating in the cafeteria.
sure i've known that our lives are and should be a shining reflection of who God is, but it hit me today that my "majestic, ministerial calling" isn't as important to fret about as my "living everyday as a Christian" calling.
God is good and i can't wait to see how this will apply as i now go out to Romania tomorrow evening!
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